Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thoughts on gardens

I am now the official owner of my own little mid-terrace house, and I'm very very excited about getting my hands on all that I can to make it a more beautiful space. It may not seem like the most practical priority, but I can't wait to crack into garden-y stuff. I have my fingers crossed for a sunny summer, and since it's a bit grim on the inside at the mo, escaping outdoors may be the most inviting way to live there until I've made it a tad more beautiful. It's a small enough wee garden, so it won't be a gargantuan endeavour, and also my dad is an amazing gardener so I can't wait to get his advice on what to put where. I am absolutely definitely going to plant tons of herbs. No more paying for those feckity little plastic bag yokes, they drive me mental. So - love the Crown pic on top (fence painted in Crown Satin W0.10.70), I LOVE Tolix chairs, but they are so expensive - I was poking around on ebay, so I think that that 's the best bet for buying those. And then the second pic is a garden makeover that we featured in the July/August issue last year - just looking at it is carrying me off to future sunny evenings spent out the back enjoying the long bright evenings!

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